Monday, August 16, 2010

Grizzlies are here!!

Some of our guests get a little to close to the action.

The bear looking at the guests-This is when Carol had to go down and move everyone back.

Carol and I have been crazy busy. Most of the staff is off on holidays as it was supposed to be a slow week but we ended up with a full house of drop-in guests. So inbetween cooking and serving we are also doing the maintenace, laundry, airport shuttle, tour bookings, supply runs and housekeeping, We had the boss doing dishes and clearing tables. Ontop of how busy we are the Grizzlies have come to the valley early this year in search of salmon-as there are no salmon yet we have to keep retrieving guests from dangerous situations on the lawn-
dispite warnings when they check in, bear aware posters in the cabins and having to fill in waivers most people still get way to close.
So walks and tubing have officially come to a standstill unless you have 3 or more people in your group, bear spray and or diva the dog.
Most of our guests are trapped in paradise right now as the hwy has been closed due to several forest fires on heckman's pass ( the hill). they had a pilot car leading people out of the valley up untill 5am but now the hwy is completely closed. We have the fire chief coming down to talk to us today so thay we have something to tell the guests.
I have to go and battle spiders now in the cabins-spiders never sleep is one of the Swedes favorite sayings- that and "this is gonna be great on youtube!" (every time a guest gets to close to a bear:))

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