Friday, July 9, 2010

Bella Coola

View from Clayton Falls just west of Bella Coola on the Estuary

Totem pole downtown Bella Coola

Artwork on the hardware store
Our Cabin
So we've officially made it to our destination yesterday-Bella Coola being about 1hr from the lodge.
Carol had to run a few errands in town so we tagged along. It's not exactly a booming metropolis but we did find an ATM in the hospital, a liquor store and post office and a pretty good supply shop. Carol took us out to lunch at the Valley Inn which was very pleasant and then we had a lovely walk up to the Clayton falls which aside from being very pretty it also supplies the hydro electricity to the town. We also picked up the biggest Salmon I have ever seen for Carol to prepare for dinner at the logdge-30 lbs each. Carol also introduced us to a friend of hers June, whose father was one of the origional norweigen settlers in the valley and told some really great stories of a west coast pioneering family.
the forest Ranger also came by to give us the location of a couple of forest fires in the provincial park but still a good distance away. There are only two ranges for entire provincial park-nearly 1 million hectars!
tomorrow we plan to head out to see some native petroglyhs with a guide but today we are just taking it easy- the weather is in high 30's so were just keeping cool.

1 comment:

  1. I love the cabin. Sounds like a very interesting trip. Take care.
