Monday, July 12, 2010

Walkers Island

Big Cedar forest on Walker Island

More Big Cedars on Walkers Island


Annalee, the lodges resident masseuse,Pat, Carol and Dill, saying goodbye.
I can't believe it's over! Yesterday the ladies said their goodbyes to the other guests, carol and Staff and we headed down to the airport (we use this term loosely). Carol was a bit concerned that the flight might be cancelled due to high winds (we didn't mention this to Dill)but it was still on. Once they checked in their baggage at the one room airport we had about an hour to kill before take off so we drove 5 minutes down the road to walker Island to check out the big cedars-they werent kidding! The forest was full of huge trees. After a lovely walk through the forest gazing at giants, listening for bears and eating thimbleberries and where Pat once again kindly attracted all the mosquitoes so that they didn't bother dill or I, we headed back to the airport where Pat and I did our best to distract Dill from the narrow runway through the mountain valley, the small prop plane that was their ride and the gusting wind that wasy blowing the huge trees around. I can be honest now since she did get on- I wouldn't have done it!!! you should have seen her face as she crossed the tarmac-I was sure she was going to run back but nope she was super brave and even gave a big wave and smile before she ducked into the plane. I did stay and watch their tiny little plane dissapear through the mountains and was perturbed by how bad it was pitching on its way up and didn't really feel good untill I called them at their hotel in Vancouver and found them safe and sound and into the brandy. They said a woman on the flight who takes it twice a week said it was the worst flight ever. I'm sure Pat and Dill will fill you all in on the details.
After the airport I drove back to the lodge as I had to serve dinner to the other guest and right as I was pouring the wine at one of the tables a black bear waltzed past the dining room window-I'm definatly going to have to get used to this or I'm going to be a lousy waitress! I'm also going to have to keep my camera on me at all times.

1 comment:

  1. the trees are very interesting. I did not know there were such tall trees. Thimbleberries, sound good, what do they taste like.
