Friday, July 2, 2010

Hurricane Ridge-Olympic Wilderness

View from the ridge-Supposed to be one of the best mountain vistas in the world! Ah well at least there was deer in the clouds.

We had a truce today-I agreed to go to the laundromat and wash my pants and the girls agreed to take another trek into the mountains. Okay so they washed the laundry and I washed the car but it was a fair arrangement I thought. I had to almost scrape the splattered bugs of the windshield and bumper-it was a good showcase of north american insect species. I also attempted to organize the car so we don't arrive at Sarah's looking like a gypsy caravan. Today we headed back into the Olympic range but this time on the North facing side up to Hurricane Ridge. Hurricane ridge offers views of Mt. Olympus and several glaciers. Unfortunatly the clouds were so low when we got to the top we couldn't see more than 30 feet in front of us. The drive up was pretty treacherous and we could only drive at about 15 m/hr with the fog lights on so it took awhile as we had to climb about 6000 feet right from sea level. It was pretty cold at the top and the snow was still on the slopes with some brave lupin flowering amids the banks. Lunch was a picnic but it required zipping pat up in a sleeping bag so that she could join us. We saw lots of black-tailed deer, grey jays, one mountain blue bird and a grouse. The Mountain lion still eludes us-perhaps we'll get lucky in BC.

View about half way up-We are almost entering the clouds.

More deer being very good and not running in front of the car as I come around hairpin turns.

Cheeky grey jay- If it was clearer you could see Vancoucer Island in the distance.

Lupin near the summit.

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