Saturday, June 26, 2010

Beartooth pass from red lodge montana

We had a bit of a lazy day yesterday-it called for thunderstorms so we didn't want to attemp the beartooth pass with bad weather but it turned out to be really nice despite the forcast so we just lazed around our campsite, had a swim and took some photos of the area around red lodge montana where we were for two nights.

Today we set out early for yellowstone park via the notorious beartooth pass. It was pretty nerve racking looking down on glacier lakes and snow topped mountains while driving around hairpin turns. It was only about 70 miles long but the trip took about 2.5 hours as the weather was pretty bad. When we got higher up at about 11000 feet the snow banks were about 6" high and we were right in the clouds so the view was pretty limited.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rebecca!
    Great pics! The animal in the picture is an is an elk.
    You know that grizzlys and Black bears can run at speeds exceeding 40 miles per hour.....don't get too far from the car.
    Have fun and be careful.
