Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fortified with tea now I feel capable of updateing our blog. In the last 2 days we've covered 6 states and 2350 km so everyone was a little hysterical but nothing that a good cup of Yorskshire tea and some Napoleon brandy couldn't fix.

The first day we mostly wanted to just get past Chicago but we did persevere and managed to get all the way to Des Moines in Madison county Iowa ( we didn't see and covered bridges or Clint baby).

Yesterday we had a fantastic drive through the great plains of Nebraska and South Dakota (about 9 hours). Some of this things we learned and saw yesterday.

1.What Wall Drug was (it was advertized for 300 miles and after gazing at grasslands for hours trust me the roadside adverts became a highlight)
2.Laura Ingles was a real person (oh god how awful)
3.The black mountains aren't black
4.We met a welsh/swedish/apache guy who I bought bison jerky off of. Good Stuff!
5. There is actually a place on earth wear you can drive for 400 miles and not see a mcdonalds-South Dakota! All I wanted was a coffee and we drove forever looking for one.

Oh and pat wants me to say she say she was a chipmunk just now-we actually saw bison and deer yesterday too but the chipmunk seems to have her excited more!

There is a salt lick for deer outside the cabin but I haven't seen yet-Dill and Pat do bang around alot so it might not happen either.

On our drive yesterday we did see some of the badlands and ended the drive in the black hills south dakota in the infamous town of Deadwood. We have a lovely cabin right now on a pine covered hill about 1 mile outside of town.

Delia has done a fantastic job of navigating and Pat, being our purser has done a good job of keeping us on track with the budget so far but I'm starting to wonder if she is the best candidate as she keeps skirting conversations regarding camping. We're moving out of our little log cabin tomorrow into a campsite but She keeps saying " but I love this little cabin " I'ts booked tomorrow by someone else but she's refusing to leave.

Today we're off to explore the town and perhaps some surrounding area as noone wants to get back in the car today.

The pursurser is givin us a $20 limit to gamble with. :)

1 comment:

  1. If Pat turns in to a chipmunk again, make sure you get a photo!

    Keep on truckin'!
