Sunday, June 27, 2010

Beryle Hot spring

North east yellowstone

Yesterday afternoon ( after the drive from hell) we had a leisurely drive through yellowstones north and west sides on route to our campsite which is in the town of yellowstone just outside the park.

We saw lots of bison, elk, deer and something that looks like a fox...

We did a tool around the mammoth hotsprings as well before heading on. Delia was a little repulsed by the gurgling, spewing sulfurous springs- I think she was expecting hot springs we could swim in!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Rebecca, Auntie Pat and Auntie Delia!!

    I have just found your blog and are happy you are navigating your ways West. Lucia wants you to know that we saw whales yesterday (twice), while standing on a local beach. When will y'all be here? I have just thrown out a couch because bad cat has peed on it. You may arrive to some lovely lawn furniture in the TV room. Lucia will have tea parties for you, but she says that she hates real tea.

    Good travels,
    Sarah, Lucia, Steve, and Mister Darcy
